Eight years after Nicole Oulson watched her husband get shot and killed during the previews of a mid-day movie date, she was finally able to take the stand and share her story in court.

Testimony finally started in the Curtis Reeves movie theater “stand your ground” case.

Curtis Reeves is charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and second-degree murder. On January 13, 2014, Reeves fired one shot in a movie theater that wounded Nicole Oulson and killed her husband, Chad Oulson.

The theater was filled with witnesses who have started to take the stand in a trial that took eight long years to make it to court. The first witness was Chad’s wife, who was sitting next to her husband the day he lost his life.

Related: Movie Theater “Stand Your Ground” Case To Finally Start Trial 8 Years Later

Nicole Oulson Takes the Stand

Nicole Oulson waited eight long years to share her story of what happened on that terrible January afternoon. While the state is prosecuting the criminal case against Curtis Reeves, attorney TJ Grimaldi has been by the side of Nicole Oulson throughout the years, helping her prepare for her long-awaited day in court.

“While going through a trial forces her to relive this situation, that she would rather forget, she can’t wait for the day that justice is served, Curtis Reeves is found guilty and spends the rest of his natural life in prison paying for his crimes,” Grimaldi said.

On day five of the trial, Nicole Oulson took the stand for several hours sharing details of what she experienced on January 13, 2014. Nicole Oulson was sitting next to her husband Chad Oulson and witnessed the entire incident. She was also shot by Curtis Reeves.

In the moment before the shot, Chad stood up to exchange words with Reeves. Nicole also stood up and put her left hand on her husband’s chest to guide him to sit back down. At that moment, Reeves fired the gun. The bullet went through part of Nicole Oulson’s hand before hitting her husband in the chest and fatally wounding him.

“It felt like my hand was on fire. It felt like my hand was blown off,” Nicole Oulson said during her testimony. “He took a couple of steps and then collapsed. I knew he was way worse than me.”

While on the stand, Nicole also described the events that led up to the shooting and testified that she didn’t agree with many of the defense’s opening statements about the incident.

The defense stated that Chad Oulson was loud and cursing. Nicole said the characterization wasn’t true. The defense said that Chad Oulson stepped over the seat to get closer to Reeves who was sitting behind them. Nicole also said the statement was untrue. She said Chad Oulson only stood a few moments before being shot.

While on the stand, Nicole described Reeves as rude in the moments leading up to the shooting. Reeves is said to have started interacting with Nicole and Chad Oulson while Chad was using his phone to text their child’s babysitter during the previews of the movie. Reeves went to complain to theater management before coming back and shooting Oulson after the two exchanged words.

Nicole Oulson said, “It was rude. It was demanding. It was like an order. No excuse me, or would you mind? It was just matter of fact, you need to do this.”

On the day Nicole Oulson testified, TJ Grimaldi described the day in court, “an intense day for sure.”

“Nicole is doing a great job walking the jury through this painful day. It is a slow moving process but so far I believe the state is doing a great job,” he said.

Related: Jury Selection Finally Begins in Curtis Reeves Movie Theater Shooting Trial

What’s Next In the Reeves’ Trial?

The sixth day of the trial started with testimony from a man who was in the theater in the same row as Nicole and Chad Oulson. He testified that he witnessed much of the commotion that happened both before and after the shooting, and agreed with many of Nicole Outson’s characterizations of the events. He is just one of the people expected to testify about what they saw in the theater that day.

Testimony will continue over the next week and possibly continue into the next week. Dozens of witnesses have been listed for trial, but it is unclear how many more people will take the stand.

The trial is scheduled to last for another two weeks.

Related: Dealing With the Media During a High-Profile Case: What to Expect

Seeking Justice for Chad Oulson

If convicted, Reeves faces life in prison.

TJ Grimaldi is proud to stand by Chad Oulson’s wife, Nicole throughout this lengthy legal battle and looks forward to finally seeing justice served.

To see how TJ Grimaldi could help represent you in court, please contact our office to schedule a free consultation to talk directly to TJ. Request an appointment or call 813-226-1023 today.

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